The Trek 100 Texas - 2024

Helping fund the future generation
Helping fund the future generation

Broomwagon Physio

Team Broomwagon Physio, Dr Ania and her husband Jay are participating in the Trek Texas by riding 100 miles to raise funds and awareness for Cook Children’s pediatric cancer research. 

Cook Children's supports research into the effective treatment and cure of pediatric cancer. Funds raised through Trek 100 Texas will help Cook Children’s provide more world-class treatments, clinical trials and research to kids battling cancer in North Texas.

It's our goal to raise as much as we can for this incredible cause and we’re asking for your help. Join us by spreading joy and hope by making a tax-deductible donation? It’s fast and easy to do, and helps provide HOPE for kids!

Thank you for your support! Together we can make a difference.

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