Community Partner Events

Ethan's Birthday

Our sweet Ethan was born on August 12, 2021, at 23 weeks and 4 days.  

He got to live 9 very precious days with us on this earth and he fought a strong fight to make it through, but a bacterial infection got on his skin and went into his bloodstream.  

Ethan's Birthday is coming up and for the past year we have shared his story, touched other people's lives, others have touched our lives and Ethan forever changed us as his parents.

We want to celebrate in Ethan's name and memory for his birthday by giving back to Cooks Children's Medical Center, who took wonderful care of him, and even to us! 

There is no way we could ever repay everything they have done, so we would love to try by giving monterary donations to the NICU and also Prayer Bears to the children in the Hospital.

If you want to donate any amount that you desire, all funds will go straight to Cook Children's NICU where Ethan was at.  

We truly appreciate you in remembrance of our son and for supporting other children who currently need care.

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